Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hey There

Hey, my names Jess.

I started this little ol' blog just to document what is going on in my life. Honestly, I am a very anxious, borderline reclusive lady so my life is a bit boring. BUT, I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone majorly and I want to document EVERYTHING so I can look back and say, "I did that shit!". I also started this blog because I have things I want to talk about! Things I am interested, things I am doing..just stuff. Blogs don't need a purpose. I am not branding myself or trying to get rich writing. Quite frankly, I want a space where I can be completely uncensored and talk about all of the things I am into at the moment!

I know you don't know me or what I am about YET but stick around you may learn something useful. And if you absolutely are not on board with me then thanks for giving it a go!
